Author: saeemtamara

কবিতা আর কণ্ঠ- এই দুটোর অদ্ভুত সমন্বয় ঘটছে এই ঈদে। আর তাতে জুটি হয়ে অভিনয় করেছেন ইয়াশ রোহান ও তানজিম সাইরা তটিনী। দু’জনকে নিয়ে নির্মিত হলো ঈদের নাটক ‘প্রেম এসেছিল একবার’। মেজবাহ উদ্দিন আহমেদের চিত্রনাট্যে সিএমভি’র ব্যানারে নাটকটি নির্মাণ করেছেন রুবেল হাসান। নির্মাতা জানান, গল্পটা কবিতা, কণ্ঠ, বিজ্ঞাপন তথা একটি বিজ্ঞাপনী সংস্থা নিয়ে। যে বিজ্ঞাপনী সংস্থায় চাকরি করে রামিম নামের এক তরুণ। সোশ্যাল হ্যান্ডেলের মাধ্যমে পরিচয় ঘটে কবিতাপ্রেমী নীলিমার সঙ্গে। একটি বিজ্ঞাপনের ভয়েজ ওভারের সুবাদে তাদের মধ্যে পরিচয় ও সখ্যতা। এরপর হৃদয়ের জল গড়াতে থাকে অনেক দূর। ঘটে নানা ঘটনা। এতে রামিম চরিত্রে অভিনয় করেছেন ইয়াশ রোহান আর নীলিমা চরিত্রে…

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Different Technologies in Web Technology means You probably know that computers don’t communicate with each other the way that people do. Instead, computers require codes, or directions. These binary codes and commands allow computers to process needed information. So what does that have to do with your ability to post your latest pictures online? Everything. The methods by which computers communicate with each other through the use of markup languages and multimedia packages is known as web technology. In the past few decades, web technology has undergone a dramatic transition, from a few marked up web pages to the ability to…

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Temperature is the significant component in condition and it is extremely vital. To have some approach to screen, measure or to control it. The higher and lower estimation of temperature, stickiness or carbon dioxide may influence remote areas or premises too. To guarantee wellbeing of such resources from natural qualities require ongoing temperature screens perfect to meet your custom prerequisites. The progression of innovation has put incredible exertion to make it simple to safeguard most secure condition on remote area. On the off chance that you truly need to quantify the ecological components. Or need to record then this is…

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In the vast tapestry of our planet’s history, Earth has undergone countless transformations, from scorching ice ages to balmy tropical eras. However, the rapid and unprecedented warming we are witnessing today is fundamentally different, driven by human activities that are disrupting the delicate balance of our atmosphere. Climate change, the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns, is not a distant threat but an imminent reality, casting its shadow over our planet’s future. The Escalating Heat The most evident manifestation of climate change is the relentless rise in global temperatures. Since the pre-industrial era, average global temperatures have increased…

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Block ChainIf only time travel is possible, most people want to go back in 2010 to buy BitCoin. Only 10,000 rupees were invested in Bit Quins, then you were brought to mind at 330 crores! The world, like a cryptocurrency, was stunned by such extraordinary growth of Bit County.Keep reading this blog as we will explain BitCoin soon. But how can such a currency grow globally? The answer is blockchain. Simple because it can sound that there are huge mechanisms for technology. At the time spent through IBM Global Financing, using blockchain technology declined by 75 % to resolve financial…

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Our job is to please the audience. To develop a product that maximize the user experience and meet the business needs of all our clients. Front and Developers play an important role in achieving this goal. They design and enforce it through a code so that you and the future website or application users can view and interact related information. Read more about the Front and Building stage in the Project Development Cycle.Front end developers Do :When you ask the company to make a site or app for you, many giants are used during the conversation. You will undoubtedly listen…

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The common syntax for HTML comment seems like this: <!— ​​I’m a comment! –> Comments in HTML begin with <!–and finish–>. Don’t forget the amazing mark at the beginning of the tag! But you don’t have to add it in the end. The tag is around any text or other HTML tag that you want to comment on. Use html comment : HTML comments do not appear in the browser. This means that no comments will be shown when you add to your HTML source code when the document is presented in a web browser. It is being said, keep…

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If you are researching about a topic “does technology make us alone?” they you are landed at the right place .Learning Every minute is a free technology information  given website . Does technology make us more alone ? Technology, rather than fostering feelings of connection and freedom, is increasingly associated with a sense of isolation. Studies indicate that it can lead to decreased levels of both contentment and a sense of liberation. At the same time, technology relies more on social contacts, which is relatively dependent on real -life contacts. Talking technology can enjoy face -to -face conversations, feel more…

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